Finding an FDA approved weight loss drug can be difficult if you are not properly informed about these drugs. A typical FDA approved weight loss drug is your assurance for safely losing weight because it has been looked upon and studied by experts. Furthermore, the studies can serve as back up for the claims made by any of the drugs approved by the FDA.
Who uses these drugs?
An FDA approved weight loss drug is usually prescribed for those who are nearing obesity or those who are already obese or morbidly obese. These are over-the-counter weight loss drugs where you need to get a prescription from a licensed doctor first before you can buy them. However, there are some weight loss drugs approved by the FDA that can be bought even without a prescription.
Weight loss products are experiencing a big boom in the market because of the issues involving weight gain and obesity. In fact, there are a lot of weight loss products claiming that you can lose weight within 7 days. However, these products may have ingredients that are not approved by the FDA at all. Therefore, for your safety and convenience, look for an FDA approved weight loss drug.
An FDA approved weight loss drug passes the standards of the Food and Drug Administration through the safety of their ingredients and proven claims that are backed up by valid and reliable research and studies. If you come across a weight loss drug and you are not sure whether it is safe or not, then do not buy it. It is better to choose something that has been approved by the FDA and recognized in the fields of medicine and science rather than risk your health and your entire life for a weight loss drug that is questionable.
The claims
A lot of weight loss drugs claim to provide their users with a quick fix to weight loss. These drugs contain phrases that imply weight loss in only a few days. Many of these are OTC weight loss drugs, which makes them provide more danger for the consumers who can freely buy them. Remember that losing weight can take a little time and it cannot happen overnight. Enough effort should come from your part as well, and this effort includes taking your time to find the right FDA approved weight loss drug for your own safety.
A little guidance
Here is a guide when it comes to looking for an FDA approved weight loss drug:
o A product claiming to make you lose weight without any effort tends to be lying. For example, the FDA confiscated a lot of diet patches from manufacturers since they have been proven to be ineffective.
o Ephedra is one of the ingredients being added to weight loss drugs. However, they are proven to have contributed to many side effects that include a lot of allergies, irritability, anxiety, nervousness, dehydration, itchiness, irregular heartbeats, vomiting, stroke, seizures, and even death. The FDA decided that weight loss drugs containing ephedra should be avoided by the consumers.
o The FDA advised the consumers to beware of weight loss products containing any of the following words in their advertising schemes and claims: effortless, easy, guaranteed, breakthrough, magical, miraculous, secret, mysterious, new discovery, and exotic.
Drugs with FDA's approval
People who are having difficulty in losing weight through exercising and dieting alone, so for their convenience, there are FDA approved weight loss drugs that can help them. A lot of prescription weight loss drugs work as appetite suppressants, some act as fat blockers. Xenical is an example of an FDA approved weight loss drug that works by interfering with the lipase enzyme's functions, preventing it to absorb fats. With Xenical, the fats are not absorbed by the body and are eliminated from it in the form of regular bowel movements. However, side effects include diarrhea, cramping, leakage of oily stool, flatulence, and abdominal discomfort.
About meridia
Meridia is an appetite suppressant that received approval from the FDA in 1997. However, since it contributes to an increase in heart rate and blood pressure levels, people who have a history of heart disease, irregular heartbeat, stroke, high blood pressure, and heart attack are advised against using it. Other side effects of meridian include insomnia, constipation, dry mouth, and headache.
For short-term use only
Some FDA-approved weight loss drugs are only for short-term usage because they can contribute to addiction or physical dependence. Examples of these drugs are those with phendimetrazine tartrate, phentermine, and methamphetamine. However, they are not recommended for people who have an overactive thyroid, heart disease, high blood pressure, or glaucoma.
Phillip England is a weight loss [] expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see [